Winston Churchill once noted: “We make a living by what we get; but we make a life by what we give.”
And giving back to the community is a central pillar of Etherington Generations corporate philosophy and mandate.
Most companies, on average, spend 30% of their time marketing and prospecting. At Etherington Generations we are very fortunate that many of our new opportunities come as referrals from satisfied clients thus allowing us to direct that same 30% of time back into our community giving efforts.
20 years ago Mark and Paul Etherington (along with their brother Sean) launched a National Not For Profit organization called motionball that raises both funds and awareness for the Special Olympics movement while also providing meaningful leadership opportunities within the community for tens of thousands of Canadian University students and young professionals.
Today motionball is running 50 annual events in 27 cities; in 9 Provinces and on over 30 University campuses and in 2019 motionball donated $2,100,000 to the Special Olympics Canada Foundation growing our net donation total to over $13,000,000.
motionball’s value-driven events foster friendships and networking; healthy competition as well as Corporate employee engagement and team building opportunities.
motionball’s events also educate participants on the importance of inclusion and acceptance all the while promoting the idea of bringing fun back into giving.
Etherington Generations is the national founding sponsor of motionball and both Mark and Paul continue to volunteer significant hours each week to the organization and the Special Olympic’s movement in Canada.